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x 323INDEXERSNetwork participants that run indexing nodes to index data from blockchains and serve GraphQL queries.
x 144GRAPHQLA query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. The Graph uses GraphQL to query subgraphs.
x 61DELEGATORSNetwork participants who own GRT and delegate their GRT to Indexers. This allows Indexers to increase their stake in subgraphs on the network. In return, Delegators receive a portion of the Indexing Rewards that Indexers receive for processing subgraphs.
x 56QUERYA request for data. In the case of The Graph, a query is a request for data from a subgraph that will be answered by an Indexer.
x 31SUBGRAPHA custom API built on blockchain data that can be queried using GraphQL.
x 9SUBGRAPH STUDIOA powerful dapp for building, deploying, and publishing subgraphs.
x 5GRAPH NODEGraph Node is the component which indexes subgraphs, and makes the resulting data available to query via a GraphQL API.
x 4GRTThe Graph's work utility token. GRT provides economic incentives to network participants for contributing to the network.
x 3FISHERMENNetwork participants may dispute Indexers' query responses and POIs.
x 3ARBITRUMArbitrum is an optimistic rollup Ethereum scaling solution that enables high-throughput, low-cost smart contracts while remaining trustlessly secure.
x 3CURATORSNetwork participants that identify high-quality subgraphs, and “curate” them (i.e., signal GRT on them) in exchange for curation shares.
x 0HOSTED SERVICEA temporary scaffold service for building and querying subgraphs
x 0DISCORDTag for posts from the Graph discord server
x 0THE GRAPHA decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data.
x 0ALLOCATIONAn Indexer can allocate their total GRT stake (including Delegators' stake) towards subgraphs that have been published on The Graph's decentralized network.