6 - publicación de prueba creada hoy para comprobar las traducciones
Reglas de publicación: Asegúrate de elegir la comunidad y el tipo adecuados para tu publicación. Solo haz publicaciones que generen información valiosa. Recuerda comprobar que la misma publicación no se haya publicado ya. Por favor, evita el spam, la autopromoción, el asesoramiento financiero, el acoso y la discriminación. Esperamos que todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad se traten unos a otros con respeto y amabilidad.
Here are some tips to make your answer helpful and doesn't get deleted by a moderator: 1. Read the post carefully to understand the problem and provide the best reply you can. 2. Make sure your answer replies the question asked in a post and isn't just a comment or gratitude. 3. Be polite and respectful to others.
Here are some tips to make your answer helpful and doesn't get deleted by a moderator:
- Read the post carefully to understand the problem and provide the best reply you can.
- Make sure your answer replies the question asked in a post and isn't just a comment or gratitude.
- Be polite and respectful to others.
Here are some tips to make your answer helpful and doesn't get deleted by a moderator: 1. Read the post carefully to understand the problem and provide the best reply you can. 2. Make sure your answer replies the question asked in a post and isn't just a comment or gratitude. 3. Be polite and respectful to others.