The Graph.
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What is The Graph?


The Beginner’s Guide

The Graph is an open-sourced software used to collect, process and store data from various blockchain applications to facilitate information retrieval.

Originally launched on the Ethereum blockchain, The Graph’s mission is to help developers use relevant data to increase the efficiency of their decentralized application (dapp).

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Respuesta oficial

Who Created Uniswap?

Uniswap was released in 2018 by founder Hayden Adams. In 2020, Uniswap v2 launched, enabling direct swaps between any token on Ethereum.

Uniswap’s September 2020 token launch saw the protocol airdrop 400 UNI tokens to anyone who had completed a transaction on the network prior to September 1 of that year.

Additionally, some users received more tokens based on the amount of liquidity they had provided to the protocol.

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