The Graph.
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当你已部署到 subgraph 工作室但尚未发布时,有哪些功能. 这个阶段与托管的子图相似吗?它还会同步新事件吗?在去中心化网络上发布之前,需要测试的最佳实践是什么?

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It is similar to the hosted service in that it is centralized and only 1 indexer can index your subgraph. The difference is that studio is rate limited. So you should test only studio before deploying to the network. In terms of testing best practices, I would suggest that you read the unit testing guide in the docs. Unit testing is locally isn't it? Using Matchsticks. By testing, I mean on studio. Unless we can unit test on studio as well. Oh, in that case you only really use studio to verify that the data you want is working properly as you expect it to. Just rate limited querying until you publish.

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